Tuesday, July 15, 2008

an enjoyable night

yesterday, means monday,
was really a very very very boring day,
early in the morning,
after having breakfast with my parent and my sister,
we sent my sister to school.
that's around 10 am.

then we went post office,
waiting for my dad to get the dont know what road tax thingy,
i've waited for almost an hour..!
i hate waiting!! mum say, "oh no, my postbox is expired!"
anyone have any idea bout what postbox is that???
suppose is passport!! me and my dad laugh like mad in the post office!
haha...what a funny phrase i got!

then..we went to the immigration to renew my mum's passport..
ok..we waited for another 3 hours!!
oh god...i really really hate waiting!!!
then we went chemor for lunch..
eh..not that delicious as i expected..
then we went back to collect the passport
again waiting!!!!
then we go home..
start to rain around 4 something..
hmm..not heavy..but..makes me feel so so so sleepy..
then..time passes so slow..
i am waiting to meet my sweetheart..
and that 2 hours really passes so so so slow.

finally, 7 o'clock reach!!!
yippie...going out..!!!
so i went to fetch him from his house!
the whole journey we're just asking where to go and what to eat..
haha...he never make decision..always ask me to decide..
then..after a long time..we decided to have sushi..
but then..another question pop out..
which sushi king should we go?
the parade one or jusco one?? long time again..we decide to go jusco..
then..we talk talk talk talk talk non stop till reaches jusco..
then we got down..
we only share 1 unagi set!!!
i'm sure he's not full..but he's not eating anything else..
haha..pity him..!!!
then we decide to watch movie..
oh already 9.10pm..
then..we headed to the cinema and check out what to watch..
around that time, there's only 2 choices,
hell boy or journey to centre of the earth..
then............he chose...the journey..
haha..then wth...such a long time never watch movie in a cinema..
never notice the ticket is so damn expensive already..
luckily not i'm the one paying!!!!=P
the movie was nice!!! great choice!! i love the movie!!!
the movie is only 1 and a half hour..
so the movie ended around 11...
then we went for supper at old town kopitiam nearby..
then..we share a bowl of 'gei si hor fun' and a single peanut butter toast..!
wow..damn full..haha..he never let me not to sad..!!!
i'm getting fatter already!!!help me!!!

after that i sent him home,
is about 12.30am..
and i reach home by 12.45am.. mum was waiting for me..
luckily she never scold me..
is the first time i go out so late with friend..
and is also the first time i'm going out alone with only a guy!!
thank you sweetheart for everything!!!
had an enjoyable night!!!