Monday, June 2, 2008

help me!

water paip opened.
since 5 something.
till now.
how to repair it?
can anyone help me?
is there any plumber out there?
and i think there is only one plumber who can help me.

but that plumber really has leave forever.
he'll never fix my paip again.
he'll never come and help again.
he just left.
yea...he left.
he resigned...he's bored of doing this job.

the main reason..
is with me..
i always spoil my water paip..
i always pressurize the plumber who is so important to me.
i always never appreciate my plumber when he was always there for me.
and now when he's gone, i dont know how to fix tha paip on my own.
i really dont know how.
i couldn't find him back,
coz he really feel frustrated of this job.
and it's all my fault.
i have to blame myself...for making all this happen.

mr. plumber, can you please come back to me?
my water paip need you..most importantly..i need you.
hope that mr.plumber will have a look at this.
mr.plumber. i really do need you. i love you.